“Today’s a day like any other, but I am changed I am a mother oh, in a instant. And who I was has disappeared. It doesn’t matter, now you’re here, so innocent. I was lost for you to find. And now I’m yours and you are mine.” – Everything Changes by Sara Bareilles
2018 ended up being nothing like I thought it would be.
Back in March, when we learned we were pregnant, it felt like the sharpest left turn away from where I thought the year was going to go. Looking back now, I couldn’t be happier with where things are today, or prouder of how much I grew this past year.
I learned a lot this past year about letting go of control (still a work in progress, obviously!).
I somehow functioned on very little sleep.
I watched my body change in countless, unimaginable ways.
I explored Iceland while 13 weeks pregnant!
I reached one-year of being free of yeast-infections!
I bought a house!
I felt the unexplainable magic that was my baby moving inside of me.
I discovered a whole new level of badass strength during my 33 hours of drug-free labor.
And I have come to feel an entirely new level of love and commitment in just the 6 short weeks that I’ve been lucky to spend as a new mom.
I don’t think much of this would have been possible if I hadn’t spent the time fighting my Candida, strengthening both my body and mind in the process.
Now that my baby girl is here and the days of pregnancy indulgences are sadly needing to come to an end, I plan to begin a modified Candida diet that works with my current lifestyle while I’m still breastfeeding. Partly to lose some baby weight, partly to find a routine again after months of non-routines, and partly because I know that my body thrives when living a Candida-free lifestyle. Stay tuned for more posts here as I start to navigate this new journey. While I am not making “resolutions” this year, I am setting some intentions for myself. One of which is to continue to post both on this blog and on Instagram as an outlet and space to share and connect with others more in 2019. Looking forward to rejoining you all here and connecting once again. ?
“Everything Changes. Oh my heart’s at the wheel now. And all my mistakes, they make sense when I turn them around. Everything changes. What I thought was so permanent fades. And I swear I’ll remember to say ‘We were both born today.’ Oh and it’s true, what did I do to deserve you?” – Sara Bareilles (Waitress)
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